Gail Schultz was an 18 year old who had a 12 year old brother Paul. After graduating Nazareth High School she decided to help Paul become more independent. The reason being is because he had special needs. She would take him on walks along a local creek. That would be the same place where they were found dead together on March 7, 1953. The case has been cold for years and everyone worries after all this time there will never be closure.

Birth: 11/19/19334 / 1/15/1941 - Death: 3/7/1953
Ethnicity: Caucasian - Sex: Female/Male
Hometown: Upper Nazareth Township, PA - Northampton County
Crime Scene: In creek bordering their property Schoeneck Creek - formerly Black Rock Creek
Last Known Location Alive: Their neighborhood
Injury Description: Gail had several blunt force trauma wounds to the head, Paul had also been hit in the head three times, one of the blows had penetrated his skull. Gail had what police thought could have been defensive wounds such as a compound fracture of one of her thumbs and a deep cut on one of her hands
Suspect Description: Unknown
Additional Information: Nine days after the sibling's bodies were found Gail’s glasses were found a couple dozen feet away from where the bodies were found.
DNA: Unknown
Fingerprints: Unknown
Dental: Unknown
If you have information on this crime, call Pennsylvania Crime Stoppers toll free at 1-800-4PA-TIPS. All callers remain anonymous and could be eligible for a cash reward.