Toni left her friend's house around 5:30pm on Thursday, November 5, 1981 to meet her date for the pep rally that night. When she was over 15 minutes late, her date thought she must have gone ahead without him. But, Toni was nowhere to be found. Nobody in Clairton, PA would have guessed that over 40 years later, we still wouldn't have evidence to determine what happened or where she went.
Birth: 5/31/1967 - Death: Unknown
Ethnicity: Caucasian - Sex: Female
Height: 5'2" - Weight: 105 lbs
Hair Color: Strawberry blonde - Eye Color: Green
Other: Was wearing jeans and a black jacket with “Clairton Band” on the back, ”Toni” on the front, and orange trim. She has light freckles across her face and a scar on the left side of her stomach. She has one mole on the right front of her nose and one mole on the left side of her neck and pierced ears.
Hometown: Clairton, PA - Allegheny County
Crime Scene: Unknown
Last Known Location Alive: Approximately 7:00 PM on November 5, 1981 in her hometown of Clairton, Pennsylvania. She was enroute to a rally at her school and was last seen on Miller and Mitchell Avenues.
Injury Description: Unknown
Suspect Description: Unknown
Additional Information: Missing since Nov 5, 1981 - was 14 years old at the time
DNA: unknown
Dental: unknown
Fingerprints: unknown
If you do have any information, please reach out to PSP at 412-929-6262