Did John leave on his own accord with his day pass or did something else far more sinister happen to him>?
John Chocha Jr.
Birth: 1915 - Missing: 5/1/1969
Ethnicity: Caucasian - Sex: Male
Height: 6'0" - Weight: 145-170Lbs
Hair Color: Gray - Eye Color: Blue
Hometown: Harrisburg, PA (Dauphin County)
Last Known Location: Harrisburg State Hospital, Harrisburg, PA. John had day pass privilege's and was allowed to leave to visit his family that lived in Harrisburg.
Clothing: Unknown
Distinguishing Characteristics: None
Additional Information: John was diagnosed as a paranoid schizophrenia. To date there has been no activity on his social security number.
If you have any information about John Chocha Jr. please contact the PA State Police at 717-671-7500.