In today's episode, we discuss the case of the West Manchester John Doe. Found in 2013, the remains could have been in their resting pace for up to 20 years. The Bureau of Justice Assistance estimates that 4,400 unidentified remains are discovered annually in the United States. At any given time, there may be up to 40,000 unidentified remains across the country. It's truly heartbreaking to think about. How do families and friends not claim these remains?

Artist Rendition of the West Manchester John Doe
Age is estimated to be between 35-45 at time of discovery, between 40-60 currently
Ethnicity: African-American Sex: Male
Height: Estimated between 5 ft. 5 in. to 5 ft. 10 in.
Other pertinent information: Thin build with a muscular neck and jawline
Remains Found: West Manchester Township, PA – York County
Crime Scene: Forensic experts estimate John Doe's body was lying in a brushy area a few feet off Loucks Road near the intersections of Haviland Road and Route 74 for between three and 10 years — and perhaps for as long as 18 or 20 years.
Injury Description: He wore an inexpensive upper dental plate and was missing some teeth in the upper right side of his mouth. He also suffered serious head trauma that broke his nose and the orbital bone around his left eye. These injuries were healed and unrelated to his death.
Additional Information: Originally believed to be Hispanic or white. After DNA testing they determined that he was actually 75% sub-Saharan African and 7% North Atlantic. He may have relatives in North Carolina.
Anyone with information about the man's identity is asked to call West Manchester Township Police at 717-792-9514 and ask for Sgt. Krout or Detective Sgt. Sean Conway.
